It has the prefix “centi” which indicates it is equal to one-hundredth of a meter. Relation between Centimeter and MeterĪ centimeter is based on the meter unit. Approximately 0.39 inches are equal to one centimeter.
when you view a ruler, you will notice that the units are written in “cms” on one side and “inches” on the other. The word was first used in 1801 and has been popular ever since.Ī centimeter is a unit of measurement for length in the metric system. Origin: The word centimeter originates from the Latin word centum, which means hundred and meter is a French word. The former is written in American English, while the latter is in British English. You will also see ‘centimeter’ is also written as ‘centimetre’. It stands for centimeter as cm is the abbreviation for centimeter. When you observe a ruler, you come across ‘cm’. Practice Questions for Unit Conversions.Solved Conversion (Centimeter) Examples.Applications of Centimeters in Real Life.Here we will learn about centimeter definition, uses, and the relation between centimeters and other units. In the metric system, we use centimeter to measure the length of small surfaces or objects. Every day, we come across length measurements.